About the Author


This is the text on the back of the cover here.

Alan Harrison’s place the amongst the food writers par excellence was secured in 1982 with his immense ‘Gastronomy’, a full treatment of the sociology of food and catering.  This new book places him with the greatest of modern food writers.

Emerging from Portsmouth College of Technology in 1961 with the premier hotel management diploma of the day he put his four year full time education to immediate return in a two-year stint in catering teaching.  After a few years in the London catering scene taking in the Savoy and Grosvenor House Hotel he took a year off to do teacher training at Garnett College, Roehampton.

With seven years in FE teaching under his belt he spent four years as a lecturer at Surrey University. The day he started there saw the beginning of six years part time study leading to BA (Hons).

In 1977 he headed one of the largest Catering Departments in British FE at Telford College, Edinburgh.  His stay in Scotland included the acquisition of an Edinburgh Master of Education degree and the realisation that people were prepared to read what he writes. So began a long list of published papers and occasional public lectures which he continually supplements.

Alan Harrison became Head of Department of Catering^ at Canterbury College of Technology in 1983 and continues to delve into the wider aspects of food and eating in his spare time.


Cover design by Darren Beamont*. 


 ^  Soon after the book was published I became Head of Faculty of Community Studies.

* A student at the adjacent College of Art.




Canterbury College now.



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